“Chinese Dance: Maestros & Classics” will bring together elites to write “Brilliant Chapter of Dance Ceremony”

NCPA November/25/2016
“2016 NCPA Dance Festival” is coming to an end. On December 11th, co-planned and jointly created by NCPA and the Chinese Dancers Association, “Chinese Dance: Maestros & Classics” will mark successful end of NCPA Dance Festival, which will not only present excellent award-winning works of the 10th Chinese Dance “Lotus Award”, the 15th “Wenhua Award”, the 44th Prix de Lausanne and other domestic and international dance contests, but also cover ballet, modern dance, contemporary dance, dance drama, dance poetry and other types. This event is committed to reviewing and demonstrating China's domestic dance creations from 2015 to 2016.

Created by Shanghai Dance Theatre, Crested Ibis focuses on the theme of crested ibis

Chinese Dance “Lotus Award” is a national-class professional award-presenting event co-organized by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Chinese Dancers Association. In this annual Roundup, nine award-winning works of the 10th Chinese Dance “Lotus Award” will be presented, including five dance dramas and dance poetries. Created by Shanghai Dance Theatre, Crested Ibis focuses on the theme of crested ibis (a type of world-class rare bird), which not only shows the beautiful image of crested ibis, but also highlights the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and the Nature. Hamlet, tailored by the British ballet choreographer Derek Deane for Shanghai Ballet, records deep dialogue between dance and literature through new classical ballet vocabulary. Created by Sichuan Song & Dance Drama Theatre and adapted from Ba Jin's classic novel of the same name, The Family tells moving story on progressive young people who embrace new thoughts, break the Chinese traditional feudal shackles and seek after freedom. DU Fu marks the pioneering efforts of Chongqing Song and Dance Ensemble to eulogize the great “Poet Sage” in the form of dance drama on the stage for the first time, and reveals his turbulent life and his desire for stability and harmonious life. Created by China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble, Tsangyang Gyatso introduces the most legendary monk in Tibetan history and the national culture behind him. The most wonderful dance highlights of these large-scale works will be unveiled in this programme.

The Family is created by Sichuan Song & Dance Drama Theatre and adapted from Ba Jin's classic novel of the same name

In addition, four award-winning modern dance and contemporary dance works of “Lotus Award” will be also intensively staged. Created by the Air Force Academy of the Television Arts Center, The Box will compare the restriction of the real world to an invisible “box”, while the dance is designed to break through such restriction and rush to freedom. Created by Shanghai Dance Theatre, duo dance work At this Moment will probe into the delicate relations among people. Dance Troupe of the Central Military Commission Politics Department will present the gentle group dance to demonstrate the contemporary armymen’s valiant and heroic bearing. Affiliated School of Mianyang City Art Troupe will stage Rolling Lamp, which will adopt rolling lamp skill on a par with “Face Change” in the traditional Sichuan Opera as the artistic element, integrate contemporary dance art means, and prove the vitality of the traditional Chinese art in an endless succession.

Tsangyang Gyatso introduces the most legendary monk in Tibetan history and the national culture behind him

In addition to the award-winning works of “Lotus Award”, winning works of the 15th “Wenhua Award” are also bright spots. Among them, The Past of Shawan, created by the Guangdong Dance Theatre, will present wonderful highlights. This dance work will follow the keynote of the creation story on well-known Guangdong song Dragon Boats Racing for the Championship, and showcase the unique charm of Guangdong Music.

Other award-winning dance works

In terms of ballet, YU Hang, a 16-year-old girl from Shanghai, China, won championship of the 44th Prix de Lausanne in March 2016. She will perform the classical ballet variation and sparkling the charms of a new star.

Furthermore, Man’s Life Is Like A Dream (winner of gold medal of CBDF International Standard Ballroom Dancing Art Performance Championship), solo dance world champion of “HHI World Hip Hop Competition” and other highlights of other dance varieties will be also staged in order to jointly offer this kaleidoscopic dance feast containing honour of the past and dream of the future.

Chinese Dance: Maestros & Classics

Chinese Dance: Maestros & Classics

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NCPA International Ballet Gala

National Ballet of China La Bayadère

National Ballet of China La Bayadère

China National Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Dance Drama Commission Zhaojun

China National Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Dance Drama Commission Zhaojun


“NCPA International Ballet Gala” raised grand curtain

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“NCPA International Ballet Gala” raised grand curtain

Superstars gathered together on NCPA stage, and offered gorgeous ballet feast.

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