Produced and originated by the China Coal Mine Art Troupe, a large-scale musical poem drama Shedding Blood for China is an epic drama to pay tribute to the 70th anniversary of the Founding of the PRC and 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC. The work consists of Prelude Light of Early Dawn, Roaring Flame from the Ground, Common Bombax Flower in Bloom, Lovely China, Echo from Wusihun River, Five Heroes on Langya Mountain, The Choice for Life and Death, Last Letter to Family, For the New China and Finale Heroes Never Die. The drama eulogizes the heroic deeds of outstanding representatives of the CPC members and revolutionary martyrs who bravely dedicated themselves in history. Famous poets and lyricists are invited to compose a passionate and unforgettable poem or prose poem for every hero. In a poetic manner, Shedding Blood for China sings the praises of their glories in making indomitable struggles, upholding undaunted courage, bravely shedding blood and sacrificing their precious lives to pave the way for the New China. Their names are eternally engraved on the Monument to the People's Heroes: LI Dazhao, ZHOU Wenyong, CHEN Tiejun, FANG Zhimin, “Eight Heroines who Drowned Themselves in a River”, “Five Heroes on Langya Mountain”, YANG Kaihui, ZUO Quan, ZHAO Yiman, JIANG Zhuyun, LIU Hulan and DONG Cunrui.
Chief Planner: LIU Zhongjun
Planner: JIA Yulan
Lyrics: CHEN Xiaoguang, LIU Fubo, YANG Qingci, FENG Baiming, FENG Bilie, SHU Ziyuan, CHEN Jianzu (According to the order of the acts)
Final Compilators: FENG Bilie, FENG Baiming
Stage Directors: CAO Qijing, WANG Huquan
Music: MO Fan
Set Designer: LUO Jiangtao
Lighting Designer: LI Jian
Props Designer: WANG Jiang
Costume Designer: LI Chenhui
Make-up Designer: LI Jia
Video Designer: WANG Fei
Video Producer: LUAN Tian
Music Assistant: MAO Liang
Executive Presenter: LIU Zhongjun
Chief Producer: JIA Yulan
Supervisors: YAO Youchao, LIU Liang, MENG Xianzhang
Cast: GUO Kaimin, JIA Yulan, JIN Dong, BAI Bei, CHENG Qimeng, HUANG Jiajing, XU Tao, WU Jingyi, JIA Ranran, ZHANG Qian, YAN Yi, ZHANG Hai, QIN Ziyue, YANG Yang, WEI Jianlong, LI Zhongtianyi, LI Bo, LIU Xin, YANG Yingyu, DU Ninglin, HAO Shanshan, WANG Huan, HAN Qing, LIU Haoran, ZHENG Shengcong, YU Guming, YANG Ao, Amugulang, GAO Longke, ZHOU Zhitao, HUANG Junqiu, ZHANG Ran, LUO Bin, JIN Dongkai, CHEN Xuan, YIN Huafeng, LIU Rui, TIAN Ye, ZHANG Kun (According to the order of the acts)
Large-scale musical poem drama Shedding Blood for China consists of Prelude Light of Early Dawn, Roaring Flame from the Ground, Common Bombax Flower in Bloom, Lovely China, Echo from Wusihun River, Five Heroes on Langya Mountain, The Choice for Life and Death, The Last Letter to Family, For New China and Finale Heroes Never Die. It presents brilliant images of heroes and martyrs one by one on the stage, including LI Dazhao, ZHOU Wenyong, CHEN Tiejun, FANG Zhimin, “Eight Heroines who Drowned Themselves in a River”, “Five Heroes on Langya Mountain”, YANG Kaihui, ZUO Quan, ZHAO Yiman, JIANG Zhuyun, LIU Hulan and DONG Cunrui…With unique artistic expressions and rigorous creation attitude, Shedding Blood for China will carry forward the Chinese Spirit, spread the Chinese values, unite all forces of the times, and impress the common people with an original masterpiece succumbed with enthusiasm, profundity and attitude.
Prelude: Light of Early Dawn
Lyric: CHEN Xiaoguang
Leading Reciters: GUO Kaimin, JIA Yulan
Presented by All Performers
Roaring Flame from the Ground
Lyric: LIU Fubo
LI Dazhao: JIN Dong
ZHAO Renlan: BAI Bei
Students: Amugulang, WEI Jianlong, YAN Yi, ZHENG Shengcong, YU Guming, GAO Longke, YANG Ao, HAO Shanshan, LUO Bin, PANG Shuai, JIN Dongkai, CHEN Xuan
Common Bombax Flower in Bloom
Lyric: YANG Qingci
ZHOU Wenyong: CHENG Qimeng
CHEN Tiejun: HUANG Jiajing
Lovely China
Lyric: FANG Zhimin
Adaptors: FENG Bilie, FENG Baiming
FANG Zhimin: XU Tao
Echo from Wusihun River—Eight Heroines who Drowned Themselves in a River
Script: SHU Ziyuan
LENG Yun: WU Jingyi
HU Xiuzhi: HUANG Jiajing
YANG Guizhen: JIA Ranran
GUO Guiqin: ZHANG Qian
HUANG Guiqing: YAN Yi
LI Fengshan: ZHANG Hai
AN Shunfu: QIN Ziyue
WANG Huimin: YANG Yang
Five Heroes on Langya Mountain
Script: FENG Bilie
MA Baoyu: WEI Jianlong
GE Zhenlin: LI Zhongtianyi
SONG Xueyi: LI Bo
HU Delin: LIU Xin
HU Fucai: YANG Yingyu
The Choice for Life and Death—To LIU Hulan
Script: CHEN Jianzu
LIU Hulan Contemporary (Elder Woman): DU Ninglin
Contemporary to LIU Hulan When She Sacrificed (Student): HAO Shanshan
Last Letter to Family
Script: YANG Kaihui, ZUO Quan, ZHAO Yiman, JIANG Zhuyun
Adaptors: FENG Bilie, FENG Baiming
YANG Kaihui: HAN Qing
ZUO Quan: WANG Huan
ZHAO Yiman: QIN Ziyue
JIANG Zhuyun: BAI Bei
For the New China
Script: LIU Fubo, FENG Bilie
DONG Cunrui: LIU Haoran
Deputy Compnay Commander: ZHENG Shengcong
Class Monior of 7
th Class: YU Guming
Xiaoliu: YANG Ao
Laoli: YANG Yingyu
Soldiers: LIU Xin, LI Zhongtianyi, PANG Shuai, JIN Dongkai, CHEN Xuan, YIN Huafeng, LIU Rui, TIAN Ye, ZHANG Kun
Finale: Heroes Never Die
Leading Reciters: GUO Kaimin, JIA Yulan
Presented by All Performers
The above information, including performance times, lineups, programmes and ticket prices, are all subject to change without prior notice and for reference only.
The above information, including performance times, lineups, programmes and ticket prices, are all subject to change without prior notice and for reference only.