June 12th-14th
Music: A. Alexandrov
Lyrics: O. Kolychev
Impregnable Legend
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: I. Adurov
Lyrics: P. Parfinov
Arr.: A. Alexandrov
Across High Mountains and Plains
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: A. Alexandrov
Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach
The Sacred War
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Lyrics: A. Fatiyanov
Artist: Vadim Ananiev (Russian People’s Actor)
Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Lyrics: A. Fatiyanov
On the Grass in the Sun
Artist: Dimitri Besedin
Choreographer.: B. Velskii
Arr.: B. Alexandrov
Dance Cossack Cavalry
Presenters: Dance Ensemble and Orchestra
Music: M. Blanter
Lyrics: M. Isakovski
In the Forest Near the Frontline
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: B. Mokrousov
Lyrics: B. Ruskin, B. Labkovski
Song of Drivers at the Front
Artist: Maxim Maklakov
Music: K. Molchanov
Lyrics: K. Simonov
“Zhenya” Romanza Wait For Me from opera The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Artist: Christina Fosh
I. Layevski Suite Themed Music by B. Mokrousov & V. Shainsky
Wait For Soldiers
Artists: Alexey Skachkov, Romain Valutov
Lyrics: LU Yuan, YUE Lun
Arr.: YUE Lun
I Am A Soldier
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Choreographer: A. Chmelnizki
Arr.: V. Korobko
Dance The Spring of 1945
Presenters: Dance Ensemble and Orchestra
Choreographer: A. Chmelnizki
Arr.: V. Korobko
Dance Jorgin Is Among Us
Dancer: Yevgnie Virhosapov
Music: WANG Liguang
Lyrics: WANG Ning
What the Angels Say
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Arr.: B. Alexandrov
Folk Song of Russia Ah, Nastasia
Artist: Romain Danilov
Arr.: I. Layevski
Itinerant Peddler from Nikolai Nekrasov’s Poem
Artist: Alexander Kruse (a meritorious actor of the Republic of Khakassia, Russia)
Music: Vano Muradley
Lyrics: P. Gradov
Legendary Sevastopol
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Choreographer.: A. Chmelnizki
Arr.: Vasily Samsonenko
Dance Sailors
Dancers: Maxim Burak, Alexander Chekalkin
Music: Yuriev
Lyrics: Andrzejewski
Hey, Carter, Drive Faster to Aaru
Music: I. Dunayevsky
Lyrics: M. Isakovski
Red Plum in Blossom
Artist: D. Belikova
Arr.: B. Alexandrov
Folk Song of Russia Along the Piterskaya
Artist: Valery Gava (Russian People’s Actor)
Arr.: A. Alexandrov
Folk Song of Russia Kalinka
Artist: Vadim Ananiev (Russian People’s Actor)
Choreographer.: L. Kulikov
Arr.: I. Layevski
Russian Dance
Presenters: Dance Ensemble and Orchestra
Music: Pierre De Geyter
Lyrics: Arkady Kotz
The Internationale
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: M. Blanter
Lyrics: M. Isakovski
June 15th-16th
Music: A. Alexandrov
Lyrics: O. Kolychev
Impregnable Legend
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: De Pokras, Dan Pokras
Lyrics: Anatoly Daketty
Budyonny Red Cavalry March
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: B. Alexandrov
Lyrics: An Dostal
Soldiers Are Marching Forward
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: A. Novikov
Lyrics: L. Oshanin
Ah, Road
Artist: Vadim Ananiev (Russian People’s Actor)
Music: A. Novikov
Lyrics: Y. Schweidorf
Girl with Dark Skin
Artists: Alexey Skachkov, Romain Valutov
Music: A. Pakhmutova
Lyrics: L. Oshanin
Song of the Restless Youth
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Choreographer.: A. Chmelnizki
Arr.: L. Schatz
Come and Dance, Please
Presenters: Dance Ensemble and Orchestra
Music & Lyrics: HE Lyuting
Song of Guerillas
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: Y. Frenckell
Lyrics: R. Gamzatov
Artist: Valery Gava (Russian People’s Actor)
V. Fedolov Medley of Military Songs
Music: G. Movsesian
Lyrics: R. Rozhdestvensky
We Are the People’s Army
Music: De Pokras, Dan Pokras
Lyrics: B. Ruskin
Three Tankmen
Music: T. Khrennikov
Lyrics: V. Gusev
The Artillerymen’s March
Music: Y. Haite
Lyrics: B. Gorman
Air Force March
Music: G. Movsesian
Lyrics: L. Oshanin
Join The Fleet
Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Lyrics: M. Dudzi
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: I. Dunayevsky
Lyrics: L. Oshanin
I Depart from Berlin
Artist: Alexander Kruse (a meritorious actor of the Republic of Khakassia, Russia)
Choreographer: A. Chmelnizki
Arr.: V. Korobko
Dance Festival March
Presenters: Dance Ensemble and Orchestra
Arr.: V. Korobko
Dance Jorgin Is Among Us
Dancer: Yevgnie Virhosapov
Music: I. Dunayevsky
Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach
My Vast Motherland
Artist: Maxim Maklakov
Arr.: B. Alexandrov
Folk Song of Russia Song of the Volga Boatman
Artist: Romain Danilov
Music: M. Blanter
Lyrics: A. Sofronov
Artist: Alexander Kruse (a meritorious actor of the Republic of Khakassia, Russia)
Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Lyrics: Fagelson
Time to Take Off
Artist: Maxim Maklakov
Arr.: B. Feoktistov
Russian Dance Kamarinskaya
Balalaika Artist: Konstantin Ignatiev
Arr.: V. Gorodovskaya
Folk Song of Russia Ant Grass
Artist: Ekaterina Zhukova
Lyrics: K. Podrevskii
Arr.: B. Fomin
A Long Way to Go
Artist: Maxim Maklakov
Ancient Romanza Dark Eyes
Artist: Valery Gava (Russian People’s Actor)
Arr.: A. Alexandrov
Folk Song of Russia Kalinka
Artist: Vadim Ananiev (Russian People’s Actor)
Choreographer.: L. Kulikov
Arr.: I. Layevski
Russian Dance
Presenters: Dance Ensemble and Orchestra
Music: WANG Liguang
Lyrics: Baichuan
Marching Forward
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
Music: V. Agapukin
Lyrics: A. Fedotov
Farewell of Slavianka
Presenters: Dance Ensemble and Orchestra
Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Lyrics: M. Madosovski
Night in the Suburb of Moscow
Presenters: Chorus and Orchestra
The above information, including performance times, lineups, programmes and ticket prices, are all subject to change without prior notice and for reference only.